We had our boat's prop and shaft coated with Propspeed when we had Eximius out of the water in January. I mentioned, in a post at that time, how pleased we were with our boat's performance due to the prop-speed finish.
Since then we have had 3 weekend trips out, a couple up and down the ICW and one outside on the Ocean. All involved working our way up and down the New River in Fort Lauderdale.
Why 'Wow' ?
Because we had never seen 8 knots over the water before, never. We had gone just over 8 knots over the ground when we had a 3 knot gulf stream current carrying us along, but never over still water.
This weekend was a great example: We were coming in to Hillsboro Inlet close to low tide - I know, not the best time to come in through that bridge - well, at 2,000 rpm we were doing 7.6 knots through the water but only 4.4knots over the ground, which meant that we were going against a 3.2 knot current - BUT WE WERE DOING 7.6 KNOTS AT 2,000 RPM ! That's 'Wow' !!
On our return trip from Lake Boca, we were rushing to catch the bridge, but we had a 2 knot current against us, I pushed it, raised the rpm to 2,200 and we were doing 8.3knots, we were doing 6.3 knots over the ground- that's beyond 'WOW' !!
I contribute this wow to having our prop and shaft painted with Prop-Speed and the nice job Patagonia Services did on the boat's bottom.
So, a well deserved Shout out to Lehandro of Patagonia Services.
Thanks Guys!
See you on the water.