Sunday, October 11, 2015

A little Air Please!

Our first trip on our first boat, JD - 2005 Catalina 250 Water Ballast, was a melt down! It was the first week in July in Biscayne Bay, and it was hot! After one night on the boat, we decided to install Air Conditioning.

And now we are there again but this time on Eximius, we learnt that requirement during the Shake Down Cruise

Maybe I'm not handling the heat so well or maybe it's just hotter and more humid, but any work inside the boat and, well, you would be hoping I'm using a good deodorant.

So time to start installing Air Conditioning on Eximius. It's not rocket science, goes something like this:

Install the AC unit:

  • Install a shelf to sit the AC unit (that's going to be under the V-Berth so as not to use up any valuable storage area)
  • Mount the new AC unit on the shelf and clamp it in place.


  • Put a two new Thru Hulls and shut off valves for the AC Supply & Discharge water (they'res going to be under the V-berth too)
  • Install the new new AC water pump in the V-Berth, it has to be below the water line.
  • Connect a hose from the Supply Shut off valve to the Pump via a sea strainer
  • Connect a hose from the AC Discharge to the Shut off valve on the Discharge Thru Hull (above the waterline)

Electrical Installation:

  • Connect the AC unit electrical control box on a bulkhead under the v-berth
  • Connect 110v from the AC Aux circuit breaker in the Electrical Distribution panel to the AC unit electrical control box
  • Install the AC digital control panel at the Nav station
  • Connect the AC digital control panel to the AC unit electrical box

Ducts & Return Installation:

  • Manufacture a Teak Box to go on the V-Berth Stbd hanging locker top with vents into the V-Berth and through the Main cabin bulkhead - they will provide air to the V-berth and stbd side of the cabin.
  • Connect Duct T to AC unit
  • Connect Flexible Duct from one side of the T on Stbd side to a box on the top of the hanging locker
  • Connect Flexible Duct from other side of the T on Port side to another T in the area beneath the V-Berth draw unit.
  • Manufacture a Teak Box to go on the V-Berth Port Draw unit top with vents into the V-Berth and through the Main cabin bulkhead - they will provide air to the V-berth and port side of the cabin.
  • Connect Flexible Duct from the T below the draw unit up to the box on the draw unit top.
  • Connect Flexible Duct from the T below the draw unit aft behind the bench back storage shelves, behind the Nav station, behind the head (inside the head storage lockers) and then over to a vent in the Quarter cabin.
Phew! I find that on bigger projects, it's best to write out a plan, then, on site, walk through the process to figure any gotcha's. It also helps to identify which tools are needed, supplies and fittings etc.

We'll have to haul the boat out to install the new Thru Hull for the AC water Supply, but as we need to replace the Depth/Speed/Temp transducer, we'll be able to do that at the same time.

I'll update this post with Pics of the Process.

October 11th.

Step1. Clean out the V-Berth Storage and mark up the location of the shelf support beams.

I had measured up the beam dimensions and cut them out of ply at home this morning.

After scribing, glue them (one of the rare times I'm open to using 3M 5200 adhesive.

Need to let the glue cure for 24 hours.

Pretty pleased with progress today. (Sunday Oct 11th.)

I plan on going down to the boat mid week to make the shelf template.

Monday October 12th.

Quick visit to the boat tonight, I took several sheets of cardboard to make a template of the shelf. The 3M 5200 had cured and the support beams were firmly in place. In reality, the weight of the AC unit will be spread around the edges of the shelf so the point loading on the beams will be minor. I will glass them into the sides of the hull as well as glass the shelf to the hull and the beams. This is one of those 'do it once, it'll last forever, so do it right' things.

I emailed Dometic yesterday asking about the pump size, I was a bit concerned that the pump I purchased might be too big. They confirmed, I need to move down a size from the 3CP to the 2CP, it's about the same price. I went back to West Marine to return the pump and ordered the correct one. While at WM, I picked up the materials to glass in the shelf.

Possible Change in plans
After discussing my project with several other owners, the plan to pull the boat could be  off the table. Originally I had intended to T the AC Supply (input) into the Head Supply hose and save having to cut another Thru Hull in the boat (and save having to haul the boat to do so)

Other owners consensus is that it's ok to T into the head hose.

So I'm going to see if I can run a straight line from the head cupboard to the V-Berth. If successful, then take that route, if not, stay the current course and plan to haul the boat.

Marked up the ply using the template, ready to cut that and paint the surfaces with Resin.

We're hoping the weather forecast improves so that we can take the boat out this weekend, if it does, we'll relax, if not, I'll get more of the AC install done.

Slight Mod. Someone suggested that I put Anti Vibration matting beneath the AC unit, sounds (no pun intended) like a good idea, but the shelf position is to high to allow that. So I removed the support beams and glassed the shelf directly to the hull (just had to slide it down and aft a bit, fit very like a glove)

After 24 hours, the GFP had set and my neighbor helped bring the AC unit onto the boat, I really didn't want to slip or trip while carrying the unit.

The AC unit is set on the shelf with a 1/2" Anti Vibration rubber mat to help keep the noise down when the unit is running and we're asleep just a few inches above it.

The fan outlet is pointing aft and the raw water supply and discharge ports can be seen to the left of the fan assembly.

Setting it in place gave me a good idea about the location of the ports, the electrical panel and where the ducting will connect. It also indicated that the discharge port (top left) needs a port side thru hull.

The AC unit's return air grill is on the port side.

There's about a 2" gap between the top of the AC unit and the underside of the V-Berth mattress support. I hope to install some marine sound proofing material on the underside of the mattress support. My experience with Dometic AC units has been really good, it's the FAN that makes the noise or rather the sound of the air pumping through the duct work. But I'm hoping the Anti Vibration mat beneath the unit and sound proofing above it will keep noise to a minimum.

We also purchased a Honda EU2000i Companion Gas Generator to power the AC when we're on the hook. I'll have to make a support for the generator so that it can be mounted outside the Cockpit to keep any CO from being an issue. Then a second support to keep the generator in the aft locker when we're underway.

If we ever have to have the AC unit serviced, I'm hoping that having comparatively easy access to the gas ports that are on the top front end of the unit will make service easier.

Next step is to make the Thru-Hull and connect the electrics.

1st the Electrics:
The AC Electrical unit is separate from the Main AC unit.

Easy to install: Cut a piece of ply and rounded the edges. Sanded it and a coat of resin all over.

Glued it to the hull with some 5200

Screwed the box to the ply after connecting the 110v wiring.

The 15' cable from the Electrical box to the AC control unit was too short, but it's a standard CAT 5 cable, so a trip to lowes for a 25' cable. (max length according to the manual that came with the AC unit is 30')

A few minutes with my multi tool and I had cut a hole in the face of the instrument panel at the Nav station and installed the control unit. I'll connect the electrics to the boat's electric distribution panel tomorrow and run the new CAT 5 cable to the control unit. That will complete the AC unit electrics.

I should get the Thru-Hull completed tomorrow too.

Ok, didn't get to the Thru-Hull, need to make a backing plate at home first.

But I did get the electronics box wired up.

The white wire is the 110v supply to the AC unit

The grey wire is a Cat 5 Cable from the AC Unit's electronics box to the AC Control/Display unit.

Nice and neat. gotta love tie-wraps

That's the AC Electronics box complete.

The 110V has to be connected to the Electrical Distribution panel, and I have to research that project.

The Panel has a 110V block of circuit breakers, some are 15Amps and the rest are 38Amps.

The 'Aux' breaker has a wire on it right now, but I don't know where it goes, have to find that. But it's also just a 15amp breaker and I think the AC needs to be on a larger breaker.

The ply panel that the electronics box is mounted is glued to the hull with 3M5200 marine glue. that should hold a lifetime.

Here's where the 110V has to connect in.

Can you spell nightmare? The wiring monkeys were smoking when they put that together.

Ordered a 25Amp Circuit Breaker & a spare 15Amp for whenever.

Going to be fun wiring up to the new Breaker.

Still going: (November 1st 2015)
Over the weekend, I managed to get the raw water hose run from the Head locker to the V-Berth, connected up the Pump to the hose and to the A/C unit.
The challenge was to get the hose run with minimal bends in the hose and a flow generally upwards from the Thru-Hull.
I used a fiberglass bendy rod to fish beneath the cabin floor under the Nav table, shower pan and into the locker in the head where the Thru-Hull is located, that was pretty straight forward, but you know it took a lot of tries to get the rod where I could reach it in the head cupboard.

Next was to run the hose beneath the holding tank forwards into the v-berth. I used a flashlight and a mirror to view under the tank from the only area where it's visible. My concern here was having to drill through the bulkhead between the holding tank locker and the locker forward of it, there's a heavy duty fiberglass partition between them. Drilling was only possible from the forward locker, which meant the tip of the drill bit would be out of sight when it broke through the partition, and my fear was that it might penetrate the holding tank, that would be a real mess!
After careful measurement, I figured I had 3 inches of space so using a short hole saw I would be safe. Phew!
Cutting through the two remaining partitions on either side of the V-berth 3 drawer cabinet was easy. Then I used the rod to pass a line through each stage of the hose install and got the hose easily into the v-berth. This was one of the toughest parts of the install so far. I had tried several different routes for that hose, and finding one that worked was a big relief.

Making progress.

Left to do:
.. Mount the pump on it's new shelf (make the shelf)
.. Connect the raw water strainer before the pump.
.. Hook up the pump to the electronics box.
.. Secure the A/C unit to it's base shelf (easy)
.. Hook up the electronics to the Boat's AC power
.. Install the A/C discharge Thru-Hull
.. Install the condensate drain.
.. Turn the A/C on - just so that we know it works - no duct's in place yet, so can only run it a short while to prevent it freezing up.
.. Install Duct into v-berth hanging locker
.. Build the duct in the v-berth that will house the A/C vent
.. Cut holes into the Main Cabin from the v-berth for the A/C vents that will be above the cabin table settee
.. Turn it on (just a short while, no duct installed yet)

We'll see how much of that gets done tomorrow, we're really looking forwards to our next trip away from the dock, it could be anywhere, even lunch at a dockside restaurant!

Update: 11/4/2015
We spent a couple of hours on the boat today, installed the Water Strainer (Pump mounting shelf not ready yet) Then hit a snag, the tube of sealant I had intended to use to seal the Thru-Hull was useless! That's the second tube... Better go buy some new tubes.

I did get a couple of little projects done, but not related to the A/C. Looks like this weekend I'm going to focus on that.

Update 11/8/2015

Finally managed to install the A/C discharge thru-hull, after I went to WM to get a 2nd new one as I cut the first one too short! Grrrr.

That brown goop around the thru-hull flange is epoxy resin with a brown filler. Makes it easy to check that the filler is evenly spread around.

It's really awkward to get into that area, but it's installed, right, and very firmly attached to the hull. That's not going to go anywhere!

That completes the water lines to and from the A/C unit.

Next I installed the new 25amp circuit breaker and connected the power to the Electronics Box, the lamp says it all - we have power!

But sometimes things don't go right. I had assumed that the RJ45 Ribbon cable was a standard straight through connection, but when I hooked up the A/C control panel at the Nav Station, it was totally dead, not a glimmer of power or control.

Looking at the ends of the supplied connector, I could see that it's not quite a standard Cat 5 Cable, the ends are swapped, so Pin 1 goes to Pin 8 on the other end.

I used the old, short, cable and the A/C flashed up for the first time and was blowing COOOOL air!

So I need to makeup new ends for the Cable and then it's time to start on the Duct work. I'll head down to the boat on Tuesday night to make the cable and cut the first duct hole.

I was able to cool the boat from 87 F down to 79 F, that's going to make working on stuff inside the cabin a whole lot more comfortable.

Stay tuned, I hope to complete this project this coming weekend.

Almost there! Peggy & I worked on the A/C system this weekend. All the ductwork is in place, cable is replaced and working, built the wooden duct from the Stbd locker top to the Cabin and V-berth grills.

Last part is to make the return grill beneath the V-berth and varnish the wooden duct on the Stbd locker.

Hope to get these done so that we can take the boat out on Saturday.

So, varnish the new woodwork, put all of the cushions and covers back in their normal location, and make the interior of the boat look nice for visitors.

I'll post a bunch of pics on completion.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Shake down cruise

What's a Shake Down Cruise?

Several buddies (not the sailing type) asked me what I meant when told that we were taking Eximius on a Shake Down Cruise.

It's pretty simple really. Over the past few months we have been fixing things on the boat: Some new instrumentation, a couple of engine issues, new Radio, new wind instrument (on top of the mast) it seemed like a lot of work, but the list is pretty small. But all of it was with the purpose of getting the boat ready for us to take her over to the Bahamas early next year.

We needed to know how things worked out for us when we were on the boat for more than just a night on the lake. By planning a shake down cruise, we would get to use every system on the boat, water, electronics, sails, lines, anchors, instruments, charts, bedding, cooking, relaxing, the many things that we would do if we were sailing to the Bahamas or elsewhere.

So the plan was to sail Eximius down to Biscayne Bay, spend a couple of days down there and sail back, roughly 40 miles each way.

The Friday before we left, a circuit breaker at home in the interior sub distribution box, blew, I picked up a new breaker at the local hardware store, pulled out the old and inserted the new. All looked good until Peggy flashed up the laundry dryer - the hot terminal in the sub distribution box was glowing yellow hot! Time to call an electrician. My go to guy is at EWI, Ben is a professional and is fair. He had a guy out to our house by mid afternoon. They had to re-route the interior electrics so that most of the house had power, but it needed a new distribution box, that would take time. They knew we were headed on vacation and I trusted them enough to grant them access to the house while we were away, if they could fit us in their schedule - good professionals get busy all the time.

We headed down the to the boat, after the electricians left, to load up - trip 1. Then off to the store to get the perishables before an early night at home. Crack of dawn and we were loading the truck ready to go. We stopped at McDonalds for a drive through breakfast en-route to Eximius.

Shawn, owner of the home where we keep the boat, met us in the driveway and we parked the truck where it would stay for the week. Quickly loaded the boat, ran the engine for 5 minutes while we unlocked all of the topside lockers and stowed everything. Not long and we were ready to cast off.

Normally we leave a few lines at the dock but this trip we wanted them all with us - turns out that was a good idea.

We motored down the New River, easily passed through the bridges and into the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) it was a really nice day. Our destination was Bahia Mar. We had figured out the tides at the various points on the trip and we needed to leave Fort Lauderdale pretty early to get the tide right as we crossed from the Ocean into Biscayne Bay the next day.

Our arrival at Bahia Mar was awesome, we're getting much better at docking. Our latest technique is to get the boat kinda lined up with the slip and moving really slow to pass lines to the crew ashore. That was an easy docking.

It was hot at Bahia Mar, really hot, humid and very sweaty! Did not sleep well.

Up early for a quick breakfast and that oh so important coffee, we cast off and headed out from Bahia Mar and back into the ICW for the motor out of Port Everglades.

As we motored out, I took this short video. The deck is cluttered as it's not yet made ready for our trip outside (in the Ocean) and the ICW is not too busy.

The Universal Diesel engine can be heard in the background and the new wind instrument is working great.

I put the sails up while we were still sheltered inside Port Everglades, so we actually was able to motor sail out of the port. The sea state was pretty calm and there was enough wind that we could sail out towards the transit line we had selected for the trip South.

That didn't last long, we were doing well, sailing at about 5 knots but the wind was veering towards the South and even though we could still sail without the engine, tacking for the next 33 miles would take too long if we wanted to get into Biscayne Bay during daylight. So we motor sailed down the coast.
After passing Key Biscayne and turning west to follow the channel markers into the Bay, it was getting late in the day, but we had this beautiful view of the Miami Skyline. Time to get busy so that we could get into Dinner Key where we had reserved a slip for the night.

Getting into the slip at Dinner key was a bit of a challenge, our first where there were pylons on each side of the narrow slip. But following our plan, we were able to get the boat turned stern in and tied up with the grateful help of a couple of guys on the dock.

Dinner key is a City Marina and is getting a lot of upgrades. The new marina building is a modern 3 story design that looks like it was built to withstand hurricanes. The middle floor has the main office, bathrooms, showers, and laundry. There are quite a few live-a-boards at the marina.

For some reason, they opted to not have a dinghy dock at the marina, instead they rely upon the dinghy dock that is adjacent to the boat ramp between the marina and Coconut Grove sailing club. Even the marina staff take a golf cart ride to get to the dinghy dock.

At least were at the dock for the SuperMoon. The sky was clear enough that we could easily see the Moon moving into a full Lunar Eclipse.

We dined out on the Patio (the cockpit table). Our first Seal-a-Meal dinner this trip. They work great. Beef Stew, one of my favorite hot dinners on the boat. A glass of wine for Peggy and a Jack and Ginger for me.

The cockpit table works out great, the light is from the dock, so if we were at anchor, it would probably be dark. Add to my list - need cockpit lighting - this list is going to grow, but that's the whole point of the shake down cruise.

Dinner key was HOT, HUMID, and SWEATY - that's two nights of not a lot of sleep. The downside of being in a slip is that the boats heading is fixed but the wind is not. So, unlike being at anchor, the boat doesn't swing into wind. It was really hot and humid!

Then, just before midnight, a squall hit! Lesson learned! in the future I'll double up on all the lines at a dock before turning in.

While at the Marina, I asked about mooring ball availability for later in the week as we had planned on returning to Dinner Key before leaving Biscayne Bay.

I took this picture of the marina's mooring field, the same pic is online, but having it handy in my phone might be handy - it was!

Still pretty tired from a lack of sleep for two nights, we opted to stay at the marina for a 2nd night. We slept a bit better, but it was still very hot, very humid and very sweaty.

Add Air Conditioning to the list.

Leaving Dinner key on Tuesday morning, we first visited the fuel dock. Their fuel nozzle was too big to fit into our tank fill. So we had to use a funnel to slooowly fill the tank to 3/4 full. We've used a little less than a quarter tank of diesel for the trip so far.

We headed south along the route of the ICW, keeping the red markers to starboard - Red Right Returning - and the ICW goes to Texas!

The North and South parts of Biscayne Bay are separated by the Feather Banks, no wind, we're motoring down to the Feather Banks Channel (the yellow line on the deck is my safety Jack Line, I clip my harness to it with a tether and can securely move from the cockpit to the bow knowing I'll not fall over board, it works really well, although I've not actually had too rely on it to keep me on board the boat.

As we approached Elliott Key we had a little excitement! The US Customs & Immigration Service boat approached us and we put the engine in neutral as they came along side. They stayed a few feet away from the boat, and they were very well armed! After a few questions, to which we obviously gave the right answers, they declined to come aboard and they motored off to visit the only other boat we had seen that afternoon.

We anchored off Elliott key for the night. Not so Hot, Not so Humid and Not so sweaty!

I was able to take a swim with a 100' line tied to a float, just as well as there was quite a current. Sure felt good to get in the water!

The next morning, we Sailed back towards the Feather Banks and motored through the channel, our destination was a small deeper area just west of Boca Chita Cay, we planned to stay there over night before heading back to dinner key Thursday morning.

Overnight a storm passed through, but our anchor held firm and the anchor alarm didn't go off at all - Not so Hot, Not so Humid and not so Sweaty! it's nice being at anchor.

 A quick look outside prompted us to prepare for a squall 
 It was approaching quickly
 Excess canvas stowed
 It's rolling through - going to be a train ride!
 Last pic before hunkering down below
 Handheld GPS shows a very quick move when the wind hit.
 All the ports are closed, it's pretty loud, and water is streaming down the glass.
 The horizon is much closer, sea is not so bad, but the wind is whipping up
Looking up at the cabin top hatch, it's wet out there!

My shake down cruise 'list' is growing, but nothing major.

Thursday morning we motored out of the anchorage, and just as we passed the channel markers that are the outer most for the channel to Boca Chita Cay, the engine temperature gauge started to read higher.

Oh, oh! I have been trying to get that gauge working for several weeks, checked the electrics, installed new temperature senders, and finally figured, with the help of buddies on the C34 forum, that the problem was the engine thermostat. So the engine runs cool. Now seeing that gauge read higher was not good. Checking over the stern of the boat, I could see white steam coming out of the exhaust and very little water with it.

We shut off the engine and I dropped the anchor so I could check out what was causing the overheating. The engine got up to 175 degrees (with the faulty thermostat, it normally runs at around 110 degrees)

1st check - look at the engine raw water inlet filter - it's full of grass, that could be the issue. Clean it out and restart the engine. Still no water pumping out the exhaust.

2nd check - look at the engine raw water pump impeller - it's new, but was it damaged when the water was blocked by the filter? It only took a few minutes to check out the impeller, it looked fine. Put it back together.

3rd check - is the raw water inlet blocked? I removed the hose from the through hull shut off valve and ah ha! I was pretty sure the top of the shut off valve was below the water line, and so water should rush out pretty quick, it barely dribbled out! I pushed a long plastic tie wrap down the open shut off valve and it would barely pass through! It's blocked!

I closed the shower sump pump-out valve and removed the host from that, opened the valve and water poured in! Ok, I have a source for engine raw water. Within ten minutes I was able to rework the hoses and connect the engine raw water to the other through hull. I replaced the water filter with a new one that had arrived in the mail just before we left home. Started the engine, good strong pumping water out the exhaust, no white steam and the engine was running at it's normal 110 degrees. Phew!

With the wind on the nose, we motored back North to Dinner key, now checking the heartbeat every few minutes, the engine was running fine.

It's a long channel into Dinner Key, and as we were taking to a mooring ball, we called in to the Marina for directions. As the photo of their mooring chart shows, the dark blue areas are the deeper points, so knowing where we were heading was a plus.

The Marina has a shuttle service that runs each hour if called on Channel 68, so I was able to catch the 4pm shuttle (to the dinghy dock) take a brisk walk up to the office, pay our mooring fee, then a fast walk out to the main road and head north to the Fresh Market store to grab dinner (spinach & blue cheese salad), some coffee creamer (I used the last we had on board that morning) and some bread (the bagels we had onboard had gone moldy) then I high tailed it back to the Marina building for a shower and dash back to the dinghy dock for the 5pm shuttle.

Except for the noise of a bad generator in a vessel not far from our mooring, we slept better that night and climbed out of the bunk before dawn for a coffee & cereal breakfast before the long trip back to Fort Lauderdale.

We had decided to head up the inside on the ICW. Peggy had researched the route and the bridges using a chart and the waterway guide, so we felt confident we could stay inside rather than outside on the ocean. Hurricane Joaquin was building the sea conditions off shore and we felt the inside was the more comfortable route.

The trip out to the ICW from Dinner Key was really peaceful, and as we passed outside of the mooring field I took this pic, it really was that good.

Then, after clearing the outside marker of the Marina channel, we headed up towards the Rickenbaker Causeway bridge, not a boat in sight!

We were treated to this view of Miami, city in the clouds. It would take a while for the sun to burn off the haze and low cloud that morning.

Plenty of clearance under that bridge, and the route is well marked. As we approached the Dodge Island railway bridge, it started to close! So time for a few cicles. It gave us time to check out the landscape around Bayfront Marina. When the train did show, about 10 minutes later, it was crawling! Not a surprise, the bridge is not far from the railhead on Dodge Island.

Once the bridge opened, we cruised through.

The trip up the ICW was not so bad. We tried to time our arrival at bridges that had preset opening times, Hollywood Beach Blvd Bridge was one. We were there at high tide, water was on both sides of the sea wall on the East side of the ICW. A tall trawler was having issued because of the strong current on the north side of the bridge, so we called them on VHF and agreed we would wait till they passed.

The rest of the journey was uneventful, but I have to mention the bridge tenders. It seems that the men and women manning the bridges come from all over, but the guy on the Dania Beach Blvd Bridge has a radio voice that is the best. His rolling banter as he welcomes each arrival at the bridge and his wishes for the passing boat captains to have a great day, just made it worth passing his bridge to hear his down home chatter. He would get my vote for Bridge Tender of the Year!

Once we were at the turn to the West opposite the Port Everglades entrance by the Nova SouthEastern Oceanographic Institute, we headed up to the 17th Street Causeway bridge. It was close to high tide, and we reach up around 53 feet to the top of the VHF antenna at the mast head. The bridge had clearance of 55 feet according to the fender boards on the starboard side of the bridge. So we passed under easily.

Passing the 15th street marina and leaving Sand Bar Park on our port side, we turned as if headed to Bahia Mar, but instead we turned into Lake Sylvia, hoping to meet up with Diversion, an Out Island 33 owned by Bob & Joy Tigar. They were anchored in the lake and we had our first raft up, fittingly with Bob & Joy as they were the ones that told us about the lake in the first place during a regular HISC club meeting a few months ago.

A few drinks and dinner on board, some late chatting with Bob & Joy where I started to build my mental picture of our first trip to the Bahamas next year.

We slept really well that night. Nice breeze, we even had to break out the blanket to keep us cozy in the V-berth.

Saturday morning, after breakfast and coffee, I passed our frozen ice cube trays, and we said farewell to Diversion, looking forward to the club meeting next week.

After stopping at a pump out on sailboat bend, we headed back to our slip.

Great week, my shake down cruise list is pretty long, but getting that stuff done will make us more prepared for our longer trips in the spring.

See you on the Water.