Thursday, April 19, 2018

Planning Trip to Marathon - Boot Key Harbor


We're working our way up to a trip to the Dry Tortugas. If we sail down to Boot Key Harbor we'll be 1/3rd of the way. And we'll get the chance to see how the harbor has recovered after Hurricane Irma in 2017


Boot Key Harbor is about 1/2 way down the chain of Keys between Miami and Key West

We have done part of this trip in our previous boat, Catalina 250 during a 10 day trip several years ago.

We'll go around a few corners to get to Marathon and hope to spend a few days in the harbor.

How (The Route)

  • Our Dock - Lake Sylvia -  5nm
  • Lake Sylvia - Dinner Key - 44nm
  • Dinner Key  - Nixons (in the Bay) 4nm
  • Nixons - Rodreguez Key Rock Harbor - 50nm
  • Rodreguez Key - Marathon - Boot Key Harbor  46nm


We're looking to take a 2/3 week trip in May, possible schedule is something like this
  1. Depart Dock to Lake Sylvia 1 hour =  Day 1 overnight at Anchor
  2. Lake Sylvia to Dinner Key 8 hours = Day 2, overnight at Slip or Mooring
  3. Day at Dinner Key =  Day 3 overnight at Slip or Mooring
  4. Dinner Key to Nixons - 4 hours = Day 4 overnight at Anchor
  5. Nixons to Rock Harbor - 11 hours = Day 5 overnight at Anchor
  6. Day at Rock Harbor = Day 6
  7. Rock Harbor to Marathon Boot Key Harbor - 10 hours = Day 7 overnight at Slip or mooring
  8. Two days at Marathon = Day 8 & 9 at Slip or mooring.
  9. Marathon - Rock Harbor / Rodreguez Key = Day 10 overnight at Anchor
  10. Rodreguez Key to Nixons = Day 11 overnight at Anchor
  11. Nixons - Elliott Key = Day 12 overnight at Anchor
  12. Elliott Key - Nixons = Day 13 overnight at Anchor
  13. Nixons - Lake Sylvia = Day 14 overnight at Anchor
  14. Lake Sylvia - Dock = Day 15, unload for ride home.

So, need to look for good weather period for 15 - 21 days, in May before 'H' Season.

Things to Do

Ok, in addition to Sailing and loafing at Anchor!

At least 2 days in Marathon and at least 2 days at Rock Harbor (1 each way minimum)

Rock Harbor - Rodgreguez Key: Dink trips: Dinner, Rodreguez Key sands, Rock Harbor

Marathon: There seems to be a lot of options at Marathon, we're scanning the guides. Looks like quite a bit within walking distance of the Boot Key Harbor City Dock as well as the other docks.

If you know of anything worth the walk? Please leave a comment.

See you on the water!