Replacing the Dinghy Inflator Carrying Bag
The last time we inflated the Dinghy using our West Marine Dinghy Inflator, the bag zips had siezed and I had no choice but to rip the top open in order to be able to use the air pump. Grrrr.
It's been a few months, the inflator, in it's defective carrying bag, has been sat on a shelf in the Garage. Every time I saw it, that guilty feeling would rise and I would mentally take a note that I needed to fix that bag.
It's Thanksgiving, I have a few hours to use and figured now would be a good time to stop those guilt trips. I had a few yards of Sunbrella and a new Zipper. Spent about a half hour designing the new bag. The old (original) bag was not big enough to hold the Pump, the Extended power supply wire and the air hose because I had extended the supply cable by about 20' when we purchased Eximius as the pump would not reach to the foredeck where the dink is located and back to the 12v outlet in the cabin. The new bag is 12" wide, 9" tall and 8" deep, there's a divider between the pump and the other stuff (wire and air hose0.) I used the original bag's shoulder strap.
It looks a bit 'baggy' no pun intended, but the extra space ensures that all of the equipment required to inflate the dinghy are all in one bag.
The strap is the original
The zipper is a YKK #10 Black single pull.
All seams are 1/2" bottom and sides are all double stitched.
The top has a 5/8" rim so that the zipper goes around the corner rather than around the top (that would be a really tight turn for the zipper)
Despite the extra space in the bag, the air hose still requires a fight to get it inside.
I never did understand why West Marine did not include the adapter from the hose to the dinghy air valves. So the adapter has been secured in place using rescue tape.
The power cord extension wire was crimped and waterproofed with heat shrink. There's a quick disconnect at the pump end of the wire.
We'll take it down to the boat on Friday when we install the new Nav Table light.
See you on the water, please let it be soon!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.